
Excuse Me While I Kiss The Sky

James Hendrix, 1970

I believe Mr. Hendrix may have said it first, however the TEAM at the Panorama Tower can certainly feel confident in echoing that sentiment, having risen above the clouds this past January, the tallest building between here and NYC certainly is making a statement. This amazing 868 ft. tower, developed by the team at Florida East Coast Realty, and built by the Tutor Perini Building Corporation, is creating a race to the sky here in Miami. With recent FAA approvals, this community is about to see what we call in the marlin fishing community a “grander” at better than 1000 feet.

Panorama Tower, Miami Florida
Panorama Tower, Miami, Florida

Our team, led by Scott Gorham and David Stewart, met the first challenge in early 2016 by getting the first 16 floors of parking open. The man‐hours that went into that effort alone was amazing, however to see the team pull together the next 66 floors has been a great deal of fun to watch. This fire protection system is intricate to say the least. When Robin Collier first met with the team he literally had to go to the drawing board to better understand the pumping systems and water requirements. He pulled in Design Team Leaders, Brian Reynolds and Scott Searing SET, while working very closely with Kris Singh at Steven Feller PE, it wasn’t long before we knew we could do it. With 5 pumps, a break tank, and 22,000 gallons of water held at the roof and pumping down the building, Miami had seen nothing like it. The collaboration between Developer, Builder, Designer of Record, and contractors has created a team that will deliver a monumental project here in Miami.

Panorama Tower, Miami Florida
83 Stories - 832' High